Cannabis Supplier Information - Central Delivery

    Welcome to the BC LDB Cannabis Supplier website for central delivery. You will find a range of information here on how to do business with the LDB Wholesale Cannabis Operations teams. If you require information related to the LDB Direct Delivery Program, please visit the following site:

    The information on the central delivery supplier website is designed to flow in order of business operations. If you can not find the information you are looking for, please reach out to the relevant teams below.


    January 31, 2025: The latest edition of the BC Cannabis Wholesale Quarterly Sales Report is now available to review and download from the LDB corporate website.    BCLDB Corporate | Celebrate Life Enjoy Responsibility


    December 20, 2024: LDB Wholesale Product Review Cycle Update.  Effective January 1st, 2025, LDB wholesale will continue with a monthly product call cycle with adjusted submission deadlines.  The details can be found below in the attached file.


    November 29, 2024: Upcoming DataMatrix Barcode Introduction

    BC Cannabis Wholesale would like to inform all Licensed Producers selling non-medical cannabis in the B.C. market of an important, upcoming change to barcode symbology that will impact the cannabis industry.  The BC Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB) will be supporting the national introduction of a new barcode format on the retail packaging of non-medical cannabis products.  As of March 31, 2025, the LDB will authorize Licensed Producers to use the GS1 DataMatrix barcode on the retail package.   Potential benefits of the new barcode format include improved scanning accuracy and a reduction in the required barcode size.


    Licensed Producers may choose to use the new GS1 DataMatrix symbology or continue with the currently approved GS1 DataBar or GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked symbology.  The application identifiers within the barcode will not change and the barcode must continue to contain: GTIN, packaging date, and lot number.  This update impacts the retail package only and there is no change to the required GS1-128 barcode on the shipping case.


    Please note: the new DataMatrix barcode will only be accepted after the introduction date of March 31, 2025.  See more details in the GS1 DataMatrix Notification file below and in the Shipping Guidelines in the Shipping and Label and Requirements section.


    November 7, 2024: Notice of Upcoming Scheduled System Outage on Friday, November 15, 2024

    On Friday, November 15, 2024, starting at 6:00 a.m., the BC Cannabis Wholesale and Retail websites will be temporarily out-of-service to accommodate an update to our e-commerce platform hosted by Shopify. The outage is expected to last between four and 12 hours.

    The update is required to transition the BC Liquor Distribution Branch’s (LDB) cannabis wholesale and retail e-commerce websites to Shopify’s global platform, as Shopify decommissions its existing Canadian platform and associated technical support.

    There will be no change to the website user/customer experience with this update.

    Please note: during this brief outage of the e-commerce platform, order submission will be unavailable. The LDB has advised customers to plan accordingly and place any time-sensitive orders in advance of the outage period. Immediately following the update, order submission will re-open as usual.

    To minimize disruption, the LDB will not merchandise and publish new or back-in-stock products on Friday, November 15.

    Products in the direct delivery channel are not sold through the LDB’s e-commerce websites and therefore will not be impacted by this service outage.

    The LDB is taking proactive measures to ensure a smooth transition by working closely with Shopify to conduct rigorous testing prior to the update, and robust security and risk analyses of the global platform have been completed.

    This update will ensure the global e-commerce platform is in place and stable prior to the start of the holiday season.

    Thank you in advance for your understanding and continued business with BC Cannabis Wholesale and the LDB.

    Questions? Contact the BC Cannabis Customer Care Centre team via email at:


    August 23, 2024: LDB Wholesale Product Review and Category Management Update.  Please note that there are some important changes to upcoming product review & approval timelines and wholesale category manager contacts, effective September 13.  The details can be found below in the attached file.


    May 17, 2024: Be advised that there is a change to the LDB age of inventory thresholds, effective Nov 1, 2024.  The maximum storage time of product at the LDB distribution center will be reduced by 2-3 months depending on the product type.  Please see the 'Change to Age of Inventory Thresholds Notice' file below for more details. 


    May 15, 2024: The 2024 Winter seasonal product call is now open for submissions until June 28th, 2024. Please see the product call information and template here : Seasonal_Program_Communication_2024_Final.pdf and BCLDB_New_Product_Submission_form_May_2024_V3.3.xlsx


    May 13, 2024: An update has been made to the new product submission form. To avoid processing delays always begin a new product application by downloading the current file from our supplier website, under the Product Listing Application and De-listing tab.


    January 18, 2024: The BC Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB) would like to advise Cannabis Licensed Producers (LPs) of a recent amendment to B.C.’s Recycling Regulation (BC Reg 449/2004) that may require action on your part, and provide a reminder of your obligations under the regulation. Please see the attached file below for the full content.


    January 5, 2024: On April 12, 2023, the BC Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB) announced a temporary amendment to the payment terms for licensed producers to reduce the payment term from 30 days to 14 days. The temporary amendment was implemented for a six-month period, from April 30, 2023, to October 31, 2023, and on October 10, the LDB announced a three-month extension of the amendment, to January 31, 2024.

    Please be advised that the LDB is extending the temporary amendment to supplier payment terms until further notice to continue to support cash flow for licensed producers.

    If you have any questions about the extension of this temporary amendment, please email BC Cannabis Wholesale’s vendor relations team at


    October 18, 2023: Product performance thresholds have been updated to clarify the different thresholds by product type within the Inhalable Extracts category.  See the updated 'Product Performance Thresholds' file in the Product Listing Application and De-listing section of the website.


    December 1, 2022: As of December 23, 2022, the LDB will not permit the registration of any products containing synthetic or semi-synthetic Delta-8 THC.

    If you are not currently doing business with the LDB through central delivery or have not previously gone through a submission process with BC, please see the below "LDB Product Application Guide". For any further questions reach out to

    If you are currently doing business with the LDB through central delivery or have previously gone through a submission process with BC, please follow the steps below.

    1. Download and fill out the “BCLDB New Product Submission form” below.  
    2. Submit the Product Listing Application File to alongside any relevant marketing materials associated with the submitted products.

    More detailed information about the submission and review process can be found in the “LDB Product Application Guide” document below.

    BC Indigenous Cannabis Product Program

    If your product is BCICP eligible, please ensure to indicate that on the product listing application form in the respective information column.

    You can find more information on the BCICP program, and if your products are eligible here:

    If you are not already registered as a licensed producer with the LDB you will need to complete vendor registration prior to moving forward with product registration. LPs must have an approved product prior to moving forward with vendor registration.

    Please follow the instructions in the below “LDB Wholesale Cannabis Vendor Registration Guide” file to complete your vendor registration.

    As a reminder, the Supply Agreement in the “Supply Agreement” section on this page must also be completed as part of the registration process.

    All licensed producers must review and sign the Licensed Producer Supply Agreement for Non-Medical Cannabis before vendor registration can be completed.  The agreement may be amended from time to time with notice posted on this website.

    When completing this document, please ensure you fully complete the following:

    • Your organization’s legal name (page 1);
    • Contact information in Section 25(b) page 10;
    • Signatory information below the signature block on page 13; and
    • Scan and save the document as a PDF and rename the file following the naming convention ‘<Vendor Name>_Supply Agreement_<Date>’

    Return the completed, signed document with all pages included to


    Product Registration

    Once you have completed your vendor registration any approved products will need to go through product registration. 

    Please follow the instructions in the below “LDB Wholesale Cannabis Product Registration Guide” file to complete your product registration.

    Product Changes

    For products that are already registered and require an attribute update, please find below the “BCLDB Product Change Form” file.  Please note that it is the responsibility of the licensed producer to maintain accurate product information with LDB.  Products that do not meet the specifications provided by the licensed producer at or following the time of registration may be returned by the LDB. 

    Download and fill out the change form with the required information and submit to for review and approval prior to shipping any product with attribute changes. Please paste the change form into the body of an email instead of attaching it as a file.


    Inventory Offers

    After product registration has been completed, it is the licensed producer’s responsibility to provide timely and sufficient inventory offers to the LDB Demand Planners This is to ensure that the product is being kept in stock.  

    The LDB Demand Planning team will only place orders for products after receiving confirmation of available inventory.  Inventory offers are required to be in the standardized offer template. Licensed producers should work directly with the LDB Demand team to specify an inventory offer cadence. For reference weekly is the most common offer cadence.

    The “Weekly Product Availability Template” is available below in a posted file for reference. 


    All products selected will be purchased by the LDB and are stocked in our central distribution center. A forecasted 30 - 45 days of inventory will be purchased initially, and then regular replenishment orders will follow depending on product sales.

    Sales Data

    LDB provides free weekly wholesale data to our licensed producers.  This includes product sales, distribution center inventory levels, age of inventory, points of distribution and more. Please ensure you have access to this data and are using this information proactively to address any potential sales or inventory concerns for your products.

    If you do not have access to your free reports, please contact

    More information on Ordering and Forecasting can be found in the “LDB Ordering & Forecasting Guide” below.

    The LDB Cannabis Wholesale Operations team has a set of supply chain requirements that need to be met by licensed producers.

    The BC Wholesale Shipping Requirements document provides valuable information about topics such as LDB inventory standards, packaging and labelling, and delivery requirements. Please read the document in its entirety and follow instructions to minimize any chances of issues that may result in the return or rejection of product deliveries.  Please find the BC Wholesale Shipping requirements document below.

    The LDB warehouse requires licensed producers to submit a request form to book either a delivery or pick up appointment.

    Please find the RDC PO Delivery and RDC RTV pick up request form templates below.

    Minimum Performance Thresholds

    There are many available cannabis products in the recreational market and LDB is only able to maintain a fixed assortment at any one time. There is an ongoing process to remove slower selling items and add new, higher potential products to ensure the assortment reflects the needs of BC consumers and retail stores.

    Certain minimum performance thresholds have been set by product category for guidance.  A product may be de-listed if it does not exceed the minimum performance threshold after the first 12-week introductory period.  A product that has been de-listed for central delivery will have a wholesale lifecycle status of “product exit”.  This means that LDB will not place additional purchase orders, but remaining inventory may continue to be sold to wholesale customers, until a return request is issued by the LDB.

    Please review the available free weekly reporting to monitor the rate of sale, inventory levels, and life cycle status of your products.

    More information on the process can be found in the “Product Performance Thresholds” file and the “LDB De-listing & Returns Guide” file that is posted below.

    Product Returns

    LDB has the right to return product for several reasons, with two common reasons being age of inventory and slow-moving inventory.

    Age of Inventory returns occur when a product ages out based on age of product thresholds which can be found in our BC Wholesale Shipping requirements in the “Shipping and Label Requirements” section on this page.

    Slow-moving inventory returns occur when LDB identifies product that is selling very slowly or not at all.  In addition, returns may occur for stock balancing when the level of inventory exceeds a reasonable inventory buffer based on the rate of sale of the product.

    Please note that there are additional return eligibility reasons, please find that information in the Supply Agreement Document in the “Supply Agreement” section on this page.

    The LDB has a standardized calendar for both permanent cost changes and limited time offer (temporary) price change submissions. This allows our licensed producer partners to plan with a more structured promotional schedule, and our wholesale customers more notice and visibility into upcoming price changes.

    Price change applications must be submitted prior to the submission deadlines specified in the price dates and deadlines calendar (attached below). All effective dates are the first day of each LDB fiscal period. All applications must be sent to

    More information can be found in the Wholesale Pricing Guide document below. If you have any further questions regarding this, please contact the Wholesale Pricing team at

    Under the British Columbia Recycling Regulation, in order to sell or distribute products with packaging and/or distribute paper that makes its way into the residential waste stream (e.g. curbside “blue box”) in British Columbia, producers must have an approved Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Plan.

    The below document outlines details of British Columbia's recycling requirements.

    Procedures related to providing product samples to LDB head office can be found below.

    For reference only, a copy of the LDB wholesale returns policy is attached below.  Any return from a retailer to LDB must be pre-approved by the LDB.  Please see the Licensed Producer Supply Agreement and the Supply Chain Requirements for more information about return events and return rights between the LDB and the licensed producer.